Wednesday, September 2, 2009

17 Candle

A week or so ago Beau Timmerman, of Strawberry Point, stopped by with a copy of his band's, 17 Candle, new CD,Californ-IA. First, Yeah! 17 Candle found its way back together. They are dynamite.

Beau in his always polite and somewhat understated manner explained how excited he is for the release of Californ-IA. It is upbeat & fun, pure and simple. Simple is not however, how he describes the effort that went into production. This group of five, a mixed group by day: 1chiropracter, 1 graphic artist, 1 Homeland Security employee & 1 concrete guy, hit it hard this past spring for many weeks. The group reunited at Catamount Recording Studio, in Cedar Falls, IA, under the supervision of Producer, Tom Tatman. They took their time to carefully composed a CD that is downright well-done.

According to Beau, "We are happy and satisfied." In my opinion it is maybe reminiscent of Third Eye Blind ...and in any case it makes you want to dance! The band's sense of humor certainly shines through.

In the country's eye it makes them want to vote! That's right, 17 Candle is leading the Land Shark Lager’s online, nationwide, blockbuster, Battle of the Bands Competition, having racked up more votes than any other band!!!

Next week we will give away the 17 Candle, Californ-IA CD on Check out for the contest details and to listen to a couple of tracks.

In the meantime, I recommend checking out their website for their upcoming tour schedule, which includes nationwide tour dates. Locally you can see them this weekend, Sat Sept. 5th at the member establishment, Strokers Saloon, in downtown, Manchester. has a Strokers BOGO, dnt E-coupon, Buy A Beer or Drink Get A Beer or Drink.

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