Monday, October 5, 2009

Beer and Brats Garden: Home of the Best Brat on the River

I wrote this story several years ago but I think the review stands true today.

Beer and Brat Garden the best brat on the river for sure

June 06 - This time around I've decided to feature some of my favorite places to eat, in and out of Clayton County. The truth is great food is everywhere and in many cases not much more than a half hour from my door in rural Elkader. I will feature some of my favorite dining spots and some locations that happen to fit the mold for the types of places I love but just haven't had the chance to try until now, like Mr. McGregor's Beer and Brat Garden along the river in downtown McGregor. Having never been there, I knew they needed to be on the list because, well, I love beer and I love brats and of course I love the mighty Mississippi (not necessarily in that order.)

This week read how brats, romance, the Vietnam War and the Rocky Mountains all have something in common with Mr. McGregor's Beer and Brat Garden.

When I walked in the door to Mr. McGregor's one word came to mind, COOL! That's it, cool. My first impression was struck by the dining area being surrounded with a brilliant views of the Mississippi. Looking out the windows you see customers can choose between dining in or al fresco, a huge deck circles the river side of the building and then around its perimeter are situated the McGregor Marina's docks.

This picture leaves a first time visitor with no question about the nature of this place's customer base. Mr. McGregor's must be largely supported by tourists and boaters and/or boating tourists. Large planked wood floors, the vaulted ceiling lined with rope lights and the wood burning fire place gives a kind of a rustic gazebo feel and left me with a relaxed island sense. I felt like I was on vacation anywhere but in Iowa. Which is probably why the mother-daughter owners, Faye Sporleder and Andrea McElwaine agree the majority of their business is driven by tourists.

Faye Sporleder and her husband Ray began this thriving operation nearly twelve years ago. At the time the couple was residing in a small Rocky Mountain town called Tiny Town, Colorado. Faye, a food service director for a large, local school district and Ray, an electrical engineer for the power company, Public Service, raised their two girls, Andrea and Lea Rae in the mountains. Ray and Faye are not natives of Colorado; Faye's hometown is Seneca, Wisconsin, just northeast of Prairie Du Chien and Ray is from Pierce, Nebraska. The two met over thirty-two years ago completely by chance, during a night out in a small bar in Prairie Du Chien. Faye was home from college for the weekend and Ray was on leave from the Vietnam War visiting a friend in Prairie du Chien. Ray and Faye must have made quite a first impression on each other because after having only met for one day the next week each went back to their lives Faye to college and Ray back to Vietnam for another year. They continued to correspond for that time and then eventually reunited. After a short time they married and moved to Colorado chasing new dreams and careers.

They lived in Colorado through the '70s and '80s. Occasionally the family returned to the mid-west for vacations. Faye explains, "My brother, Jeff Johnson had owned the McGregor Marina for many years, and we would come back here for visits. During one of our visits Ray and I mentioned to him if he were to ever to do something else we might be interested in buying his business."

Jeff did commit to retiring in the early '90s and Ray and Faye decided to turn their lives in a completely new direction. During the summer of 1994 and for the next couple of years Faye with her daughters traveled to Iowa and ran the marina and the newly built Mr. McGregor's Beer and Brat Garden. Ray eventually completed his career with the power company in Colorado and finally the couple permanently moved to McGregor.

Now, what once was a river "shack" providing gas and convenience items is a fully developed marina with nearly 150 or more boat slips and home to this flourishing food business. Ray runs the docks with the help of Andrea's husband, Tom and Faye with Andrea run the restaurant. But Faye and Andrea agree everyone helps everyone in this demanding enterprise. Does the family feel they traded up even, after moving away from the Rockies to the Mississippi? Spoken like a girl with the river in her heart, Faye responds, "I miss the mountains but I love the beauty of the river, she is quite challenging and she demands our respect but we love her."

Now let's move onto the food. Okay, easily hands down, the best brat I have ever eaten. I am not kidding - if you are a brat lover check out Mr. McGregor's Beer and Brat Garden. This is a place with brats in the name of the establishment, so you know they're not messing around. The mother-daughter team has got it down to a science and without giving a way their secrets they have a great system. Andrea shares, "we purchase our brats from the same place season after season, we soak our brats the same way week after week and we charbroil them the same way day after day."

I think for me the most impressive part of the sandwich was the bun, which the owners say are baked fresh especially for their business by a local bakery. The buns are the same size and have the same freshness all of the time. Lastly, and then I will be quiet about the brats but be prepared to be filled and maybe for a little mess, especially if you are a kraut lover like me. Faye says, "People also love to add grilled onions and sauerkraut to almost all our sandwiches but they can make a heaping mess, with a flavor you'll never forget."

For non brat enthusiast the menu is extensive, a short order menu, with plenty of sandwich options. Mr. McGregor is also very popular for their broasted chicken. Boaters often call ahead orders and then pull into the marina when an employee will run their order out to the end of the dock. "Boaters can pull up and we provide a complete meal, chicken, fries salad, whatever and table service," explains Faye. River goers know sometimes it is a hassle just getting everyone and everything to the river not to mention the meal, Mr. McGregor's is the convenient answer.

Mr. McGregor's is a roomy place so I wouldn't worry too much about finding a seat especially on a gorgeous day where diners can easily sit outside. This is a great setting for a group to enjoy conversation with plenty of big round tables.

Mr. McGregor's has an extensive beer list, they carry domestic, imports and microbrews and many are available in cans, bottles or on tap. It's the kind of place that probably would never be complete without a nice beer selection. Remember it is a beer and brat garden. Beer aficionados can look forward to taking their time making their beverage choice.

Finally, Mr. McGregor's is a seasonal business open from April to October. They not only serve on site but cater weddings and events. They also host many events from small parties to weddings. Employing nearly 33 people between the restaurant and the marina this successful operation is extremely well run.

Next time you're in the mood for a fun place and view of the river check out Mr. McGregor's Beer and Brat Garden. Remember: great food really is everywhere.

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