Thursday, October 1, 2009

The Music Man is in a river city near you... Elkader, IA

Beginning today, 10/1/09, at 2pm the Opera House Players will begin their fall season of magic with an exuberant presentation of Merideth Wilson's, The Music Man. The hundreds of hours of set preparation and rehearsals by an ensemble cast of 50 men, women and children will cease and the shows will begins today. Don't miss your opportunity to witness the excellence put forth by the Opera House Players in the beautiful Elkader Opera House.
The Music Man is set in River City, IA. The show stars,Clayton Ridge High School's Band Director, Eric Layden, as the swindling, traveling saleman, Harold Hill. Eric's charming portrayal of Harold Hill will endure you to the character like no other. In fact, if I were him, I would set up shop after the show as I am sure he could sell a few band instruments.
Harold Hill's love interest, Marion Paroo, is played by Starmont Music Teacher, Mara Schack. This duo's chemistry is some of the best I have seen on the Opera House stage.
Mara's gift for singing will be a treasured by audiences. And theater goers will love watching her change of heart, from the town's doubting Thomas to genuine love for Harold Hill.
Much of the comic relief has been left to Opera House veterans led by Dave Beck's performance of the insider, Marcellus, and the bumbling mayor Shin played by John Franta. Although some of the most hilarious scenes include newcomer, Wendy Shea who hilariously plays the stoic, Eulalie Mackecknie Shinn.
Other highlights include energetic, precise and entertaining dance numbers, cute scenes with talented young actors like Ted Hilgerson who has worked very hard to play the lisping Winthrop.
The show stopper and the group sure to get generous applause is the barbershop quartet comprised of Clarke Ott, Russ Hagen, Jon Banse and Kevin Lau. I have one word to describe this group with palatable harmony...UNBELIEVABLE!!! Really they will impress and have you humming Lida Rose for days.
Get your tickets soon, I hear they are selling like hotcakes. Showgoers can expect a classic Opera House Player musical with a lot of new faces and set work that will not disappoint. Congrats to the production & directing crew whose attention to detail never ceases to amaze. Win tickets here.

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