Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Elkader Cinema hosts Midnight Premier of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

Yesterday around 3:00 the Elkader Cinema sent out a tweet letting people know the midnight showing for Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince was sold out. I was happy to had purchased a ticket just a few days before. Always good for their cheap seats, the midnight showing reserved seating was only 25¢ extra and well worth it costing a total of $4.25. The theater was mostly filled with high school students, junior high school, and some college kids, as well as some parents with younger children who had been counting down the days until the midnight showing. A few people braved wearing a costume, but most came as "muggles." Owners Lee and Diane Akin touted masks of Hagrid and Mad Eye Moody (See photo).
The show started right on time with excitement brewing in the crowd. The film lasted 2 and a half hours and still seemed short. An intermission was allowed in the middle of the show for popcorn refills and potty breaks. The film has gotten exceptional reviews and will continue to run at the Elkader Cinema for two weeks. I have a feeling many of the young bloods will return to the theater for more than one showing.
I thought the film was great, despite leaving a few things out, but really how do you fit a book weighing 2.4 lbs into a 2.5 hour film. There was a good balance of age-appropriate romance and action.
The operations of the midnight event went very smoothly. Great, but not inappropriate crowd reaction made for a very entertaining film. Laughter was contagious during the scene where Harry drinks the luck potion. The line getting in was quick, popcorn fresh, and seats were marked with name tags in Harry Potter like font.

Overall Experience:
Fun: Great
Price: $4.50 (ticket) + $7 (Medium Drink, Popcorn, Candy) = $11.50
Would I do it again: Maybe not tomorrow, but in a few months, absolutely.

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